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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Monday, 28 February 2011

what days are we filming everything?

The kitchen scene - Friday 4th after college
The interigation Scene - Tuesday 1st after college

We will shoot the scene in the interview room at Haywards Heath College. We will make sure we stick to the 180 degree rule in the room and because there are filing cabinets and things that wouldnt normally be in a police interogation room, we have to film in a way that makes sure theyre not in the shot. We will use shallow deptyh of field to help achieve this.

Today we tried out some different lighting options and ideas for what we could use on monday and eventually we decided on using strong side lighting which makes one side of the face dark and one side bright. This will create a mysterious feel and change the mood of the character.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Kitchen Scene - Joe Gallon

We aim to make the kitchen look like a workplace kitchen where a worker will be made the suspect of a murder. We will do this by getting permission to use an industrial kitchen which we will post permission of on the blog later on.

This is the sort of scene that we intend to create


We will set up the kitchen to make it look clean as if he has just finished work, as the muder happens when he is on his way out of work.


Monday, 7 February 2011

Health and Safety - Joe Gallon + Jack partridge

The main things that we need to consider are where we are going to film, for example, we may have to film the outside scene somewhere else as there is a pond outside the building we are going to use.

 Also, when we film the kitchen scene, we need to be careful with the props that we use like the sharp knives for the chef. When using the hose, we have to make sure that we dont spray any water on the cameras, also not to spray in the face of a Human being.

When we are filming, we have to make sure there is no loose wires or equipment on the floor that we could trip over.

We have to make sure the Blood can not irritate the skin, and make sure we dont get it in the eyes. Poles, need to not be in the way, we need to make sure people dont walk into them causing horrific pain.

Prop research - Jack Partridge and Joe Gallon

For our props we are going to need to find -

- Crime scene

- Tape
- Poles
- Blood
- Forensic suits?
- Cameras
- Rain?

Nursery + Kitchen

- Knives
- Food
- Keys
- Chef suit
- Radio

 We will need to get hold of some police tape to use for our crime scene shot.We will probably have to buy this tape off the internet -

Knives - We can get hold of these from our own homes and put them in the background to make the mise en scene of the shot more realistic to a kitchen.

Cameras with flash - We can provide these ourselves and use extra flashes to make them brighter.

Chef Suit - We can get this from people that we know and this could be used for the scene when the chef is in the kitchen before the crime.

Blood and Rain - We may have to purchase some fake blood for use in the crime scene and creating a scene with rain could be difficult, we could get a hose and squirt it up in the air with pressusre added to it so it sprays alot.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Story Synopsis


After watching and talking about thriller openings in class, we figured that the best way to make our own opening would be to create a film that creates more questions then answers. Though because it's only the opening we didn't know what the conclusion would be for the ending storyline and characters.


Colin is a chef at the local nursery, only just signing up as an apprentice to earn some qualifications to move on his chosen career path. After cleaning up after finishing his shift, doing dishes and other small jobs in the kitchen, he hears screaming. Putting down  He witnesses an attack by 3 thug youths on a nursery worker, wondering why this is happening after only just taking up the job he cowardly hides and watches the massacre as he notices the thugs have knives and other harmful weapons. Soon after he is being interviewed after the attack on the nursery worker left her dead outside the building, being suspected to have worked with the attackers as he did not help her. While making it evident the police suspect him from his frustration, he runs through what he remembers of the evening. All the while, uncertain of what he says is really true.

CHARACTERS - Joe Gallon and Jack Partridge

Colin Mcsheffrey ( Chef and Main Suspect )

Colin is an apparantly innocent teenage chef. He defends himself vigiourously throughout his life and never wants to be caught up in any trouble. But this time, what he has been accused of may be a lot more serious that his usual mischief... Is he innocent as usual? or is this just his reputation saving his career and free life?

Becky Bailey ( Victim )

Becky is young female, in her early twenties. She is a shy, loving, caring person, who works hard on her nursing career and where she wants to be in life. There is an unknown relationship between Colin and Becky, but does this have any connection to what happens...?

Pre Production Planning


SCRIPT : Dan Cuff
PROP RESEARCH : Jack Partridge + Joe Gallon
HEALTH AND SAFETY : Lianne Barclay
STORYBOARD : Lianne Barclay

CHARACTERS : Male Protagonist : Jack Partridge ( Suspect and Chef )
                            Interrogator : Dan Cuff
                            Victim of the crime : Lianne Barclay
                            Attacker 1 : Mathew Dew
                            Attacker 2 : ...
                            Attacker 3 : ...

Camera Operator : Joe Gallon
Director : Dan Cuff