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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Story Synopsis


After watching and talking about thriller openings in class, we figured that the best way to make our own opening would be to create a film that creates more questions then answers. Though because it's only the opening we didn't know what the conclusion would be for the ending storyline and characters.


Colin is a chef at the local nursery, only just signing up as an apprentice to earn some qualifications to move on his chosen career path. After cleaning up after finishing his shift, doing dishes and other small jobs in the kitchen, he hears screaming. Putting down  He witnesses an attack by 3 thug youths on a nursery worker, wondering why this is happening after only just taking up the job he cowardly hides and watches the massacre as he notices the thugs have knives and other harmful weapons. Soon after he is being interviewed after the attack on the nursery worker left her dead outside the building, being suspected to have worked with the attackers as he did not help her. While making it evident the police suspect him from his frustration, he runs through what he remembers of the evening. All the while, uncertain of what he says is really true.


  1. Use the word ENIGMA!

    Is that the opening - you have alot here for two minutes. Are you sure that you are not being optimistic?

  2. I assume that you have a kitchen setting sorted? Do you have permission sorted? Do a risk assessment for the filming. Are you also having a police interogation scene or is that happening at the scene? Lots of questions - need to post a further post providing more detail
