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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Prop research - Jack Partridge and Joe Gallon

For our props we are going to need to find -

- Crime scene

- Tape
- Poles
- Blood
- Forensic suits?
- Cameras
- Rain?

Nursery + Kitchen

- Knives
- Food
- Keys
- Chef suit
- Radio

 We will need to get hold of some police tape to use for our crime scene shot.We will probably have to buy this tape off the internet -

Knives - We can get hold of these from our own homes and put them in the background to make the mise en scene of the shot more realistic to a kitchen.

Cameras with flash - We can provide these ourselves and use extra flashes to make them brighter.

Chef Suit - We can get this from people that we know and this could be used for the scene when the chef is in the kitchen before the crime.

Blood and Rain - We may have to purchase some fake blood for use in the crime scene and creating a scene with rain could be difficult, we could get a hose and squirt it up in the air with pressusre added to it so it sprays alot.

1 comment:

  1. If this is a workplace kitchen - how will this be made realistic? I do feel you need to think this through re how realistic. where are you intending to film?
