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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Dan - Evaluation of Preliminary

I was pleased with the outcome of our work. Not only had we done the shots well, we managed to include some sort of narrative.

Camera Work

Shots were well placed, leaving little to no unneeded space unless it was done on purpose.We took full advantage of a range of camera shots including closeup, medium close up and long shots. We also included panning and tracking shots including a zoom in, giving the short film a better variety of shots and using the pace of the movements to help define the mood of the characters.


Between our shots our characters costumes and sets had to be laid out to the exact way it was before. I think we did this well, although there were some mishaps with the male characters hair because we didn't film in a chronological order with the storyboard.

180 Degree Rule

Unfortunately we broke the 180 degree rule at one point when going from a tracking shot to a straight cut on the other side of our male character. We were unknowing of this, I always thought that the 180 rule only applied to two characters or more but thanks to this mistake I learn't otherwise.


I was pleased with the editing and transitions that were used throughout the film. Although we only used the straight cut and fade out at the end, reason being for a short movie any more might be over the top, it for some reason messed up. This could have been to do with exporting it from final cut in to another file format.


We used a song made by one of our group (not his original work). It worked well with the mood of the movie, and fit well with the 'love lost' atmosphere we were going for. It also worked well with the pace and camera work.


  1. This could be massively improved if you were to use screengrabs to illustrate how you demonstraed the 3 tasks. It is a good lesson to learn about the 180 degree rule and individuals.

  2. Where are your 5 thriller openings?
