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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Thriller Openings - Joe Gallon


- Establishing shot - tracking in
- When the building is fillinmg the whole shot the window breaks
- Tracking used very well - Building and Mask
- Low voices, all very similar, makes them sound powerful and sinister
- Exaggerated SFX - footsteps when they walk into bank contrast well to when they start firing the guns ( extremely loud )
- Non diegetic sound at a constant drone in background and builds up to a faster pace on and off throughout the opening. Soundtrack is like a heartbeat. Thrillers get your heart going.
- Gunshots and reloading very exaggerated 
- Body language on JOKER very relaxed
- Parrallel editing - All characters doing different - Asks questions
- Silence used well at beginning ---- Sudden gunshot
- Light in the opening is very bright - contrasts to them in dark suits
- Foregrounding - On the mask


- Starts of tracking fast - Blurred image of plants
- Body language of boy - looks confused and intrigued
- Camera work works well - Worms eye views (POV) from boy
- Low key lighting on face of protagonist 
- silence of the scene except for the scream in the background and his facial expression makes you ask questions about why he is there
- Goes very slow pace - Walking and non diegetic sound slows down
- Exaggerated FXs of of fight is the only sound ( Soundtrack is taken out ) 
- The way he fights makes you ask questions about where he got these skills?
- Natural make up and lighting - Naturalistic - Realism


- A lot of the camerawork is CUs on the computer screens
- Facial expressions of characters are very blank ( no information given away )
- Shallow Depth of field 
- Low key Lighting - Causes shadows on their faces
- Fast cuts from computer screen to computer screen
- Parallel editing between 3 characters
- Exaggerated sound of computer ( makes it sound important )
- Eyeline matches - Shot of characters looking at screen followed by the screen shot
- Sound bridges - Shows the situations are related
- Non diegetic soundtrack is constantly up and down in the background and builds up towards the end
- Body language of everyone is confused and makes you ask questions about what had happened
- Low angle tracking shot gives you an impression of what chaos is caused


-Fast paced music
- Cuts
- Exaggerated sound effects 
- E.g. Heavy Breathing
- Shot reverse shot ( conversation ) 
- Clever use of shots - match each other ( from person to person )
- Cross Cutting - Collide through the phone call
- "you lied"- 3 CUs
                  -  Low angles
                  -  Rapid Edit
- Dark Lighting - Gives off a tense atmosphere in the room


- Handheld Camerawork - Looks like its from POV
- Sound is unclear - poor quality sound from the video camera
- Sets the scene very well, like what the whole film will be about
- Very dark room but lighting on the gun to show that it is important (foregrounding)
- Great use of silence in the transition between the two scenes - One is quiet and one is very loud and the silence gives you time to ask questions about the significance of the characters in the first scene.
- Very blurred vision from POV of boys on the bike - This gives you a sense of chaos
- Ends suddenly with the use of silence after the crash from the lorry - Again makes you think about what will happen to the characters later in the film.

1 comment:

  1. There is some very good analysis here Joe. You have attempted to use terminology as well. Perhaps now consider using narrative terms as well. On occasions, this is way too brief and in places just describes. all points deserves detail and analyisis. You would really improve this (and it would increase your grade by a level) if you used appropriate screen grabs to illustrate some of the points you make. You are definately getting better at textual analysis, however brief this might be.
