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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Friday, 28 January 2011

The Finished Preliminary!!!


  1. I was impressed by this. Some great camerawork - really effective tight framing, partic in S/RS (as above). Your lighting was successful too. One of the better products accross the whole year group - you have ability so really go for it in the coursework. Look to incorporate your excellent editing into your CW project.

  2. Level 4 –

    You have clearly displayed understanding of the 180 degree rule, Match on Action and Shot/Reverse shot.

    You break the 180 degree rule in one place (outside the door)

    Framing is excellent, especially during the Shot/reverse shot sequence
    Excellent running sequence
    Excellent shot/reverse shot sequence – really well framed
    A few difficulties with lighting

    Well done
