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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Friday 28 January 2011

Jack Partridge - Evaluation of Prelimanary

I thought our film was very successful, we didn't get many negatives from the viewers, only the fact that we bent the 180 rule. Many positives included, good variety of shots, good camerawork and a narrative which made sense.

This was very good because we used many good shots of all type, we used close ups, medium shots and long shots, we also used all kinds of angles, low and high. We used panning when the camera started off at the actors leg and raised higher until it reaches the face and carried round the face.

Editing: I though we edited this really well because we made all the shots look exactly as they would have been if the actor did it all in one go. We also used a soundtrack that I made with my guitar which fitted to the film very well, the song I played was quite a soft, sad song; this fitted to the film well because everyone was sad. We had a fade at the end which would have worked very well but it messed up at the end-we don't know why.

 We did this well because we made the colours of the female actresses clothes very dull (Grey) so this fitted her mood. We also had fallen chairs in the background of where they are talking, this obviously shows that the actress has been very stressed out and got very angry.

180 degree Rule:
We noticed something was wrong with the film when we watched it back and thought we should change it but we asked a teacher and they said it was alright so we trusted the teacher. Apart from the one bend, i wasn't broken at all. 

Sound: We used a soundtrack I made, this worked well with the film because it was a sad song with a sad film, we made the song quiet during the speaking part to make the voices stand out.


  1. Illustrate the break of 180 degree with screengrabs from this sequence.

  2. Where are your 5 thriller penings - you are throwing easy marks away if you don't complete these. 20 marks are given to research and planning!
