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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Friday 28 January 2011

Joe Gallon - Evaluation of preliminary

I think that our film was succesful, we didnt get many negatvive comments about it from the viewers and also got some positives. The was one problem with the film, we broke the 180 degree rule but I dont think this affected the overall film too much. The scene when we took two different shots of the male protagonist about to walk through the door, this is where we broke the 180 degree rule.

I think that the two aspects of the film that made it succesful were the editing and the variety of shot sizes and angles. This gave the viewer a good viewing experience and made the film interesting. The continuity of the editing was good. At the beginning of the film when there are 4 shots of the male running in quick succesion, I thought this was edited together very well and you can't notice the different shots. The tracking shots of the male that we did worked well, they gave the viewer an impression of how the character was feeling with shots of his body language and facial expressions.

With lighting, we could have done better lighting in some of the scenes, for exaple, when he walks through the door and there is a low angle shot of him with the wall in the corner. We could have used extra lighting in this shot. Although the lighting is not bad, we could have made it better with the use of additional lighting.

The Non diegetic soundtrack worked well on top of the film. This was Jack's own piece that he created on his guitar and I think that the tempo of the sound worked well with what our film was about.

Overall I think that our preliminary film worked and we edited the final piece together well with good continety and sound.

Joe Gallon

1 comment:

  1. Use screenrgrabs to show how you broke the rule.

    Use screengrabs generally to demonstrate how you followed the 3 tasks.
