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This is a blog on the progress of our thriller opening media project.

Friday 7 January 2011

Storyboard and Editing.

After coming back from the Christmas holidays, we new exactly what we had to do - finish off the last parts of the filming and edit it all together. Because of a hiccup with clothes we had, where Dan brought the wrong hat. Though it was the same style and grey, it was a too light shade of grey affecting the continuity therefore forcing us to have to wait until after the Christmas holidays to finish some shots.

After looking back through the storyboard we had to cut a lot out, but at the same time make adjustments to already used scenes. 1 minute of filming was a lot less than we thought it was originally going to be, possibly because of the brief we had to follow, but a lot of idea's were cut out. We did keep these ideas for future projects though.

The first scene of the phone was not used, as we thought it would be more affective to start with the male actor running. We coupled this with quite a few cuts to increase the visual speed of the scene. It also made it look more interesting and dramatic.
On this storyboard, we originally planned for both of the actors to have an argument and the male actor walks out. We didn't do this, but instead used the fade transition in to the credits. We also didn't use the last suicide scene as not only did it seem a bit over the top and too dramatic for what we had already filmed, our film had already reached the 1 minute limit.

While looking back at the very closely finished video, we are very proud of the work we have done. We do joke about the acting, but were surprised at how well they did in terms of body language and other paralinguistic features. We were thinking originally at looking in to finding performing art students, but realised after a while this would make a lot of hassle, considering the Christmas holidays were coming up and it would be possible they may have auditions to practise for coming the new year. We couldn't risk any dropping out,


  1. so what lesson have learnt about storyboarding? You really need to consider the timing of each shot.

  2. you need to read your instructions closer about the blogging. Overall you have made a couple of god points and used uploaded imagery well. To improve

    1. A discussion of the task - show me that you understand the 3 continuy terms. explain what each is, link to tutorials perhaps, illustrate them in real films, and then use screengrabs to demonstrate your own use of them.

    2. Use more sub titles.

    3. have an evaluation of it.

    4. Discuss what went well, what you have learnt - obviously imp of continuity re costume and timing on storyboards, but anything else?
